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E. W. Kenyon
1867 - 1948

How Did E.W. Kenyon Spend His Early Years?

"Mr Kenyon had been converted to the Lord when about 18, (eight years prior to our marriage,) and was given an exhorter's license by a Methodist church" Evva Kenyon

The critics of E.W. Kenyon, most notably D.R. McConnell in his woefully inaccurate book A Different Gospel, freely speculate about how Kenyon spent his early years. McConnell claims Kenyon spent them in Boston absorbing metaphysical teachings. He then deduces that this became a foundation for mixing metaphysical teaching with Bible truth. I have refuted this idea in my book E.W. Kenyon and His Message of Faith: The True Story. But because there were so many issues to cover in my book, only a few quotes from the following article were used in my book. The entire article is reproduced here. This article, written in January, 1901, for the Kenyon's publication The Tabernacle Trumpet, was penned by Kenyon's first wife Evva. (Evva died in 1914). She chronicles the years following Kenyon's restoration and her conversion in 1893. These would be the years that Kenyon was supposedly investigating metaphysics. She would probably be very amused to know that her article would be used to respond to unjust and erroneous accusations against her husband almost 100 years after she wrote it. So we will let her tell The True Story

Joe McIntyre for Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society

It is more than a year since I have written for the press, all this time Mr Kenyon has been very patient with me, as to his oft repeated requests I have been obliged to answer "not yet." This morning the Lord made me know that now I must write "the memory of His great goodness." "To make known to the sons of men his wondrous acts" toward those whom he has put in charge at Bethel. Many have desired to know about our work. Why we came out from the denomination; why we choose a life of faith; why we believe in the Lord's healing; why we started a Bible School; why we have a farm, and how working a farm is compatible with a life of faith; and many other whys which I cannot now specify.

Because of this honest inquiry and of the many garbled reports concerning us, it has seemed best to go back to the time when God first called us unitedly into his work, and to give a brief review from then until now. It may be that some incidents are familiar to the former readers of The Trumpet, but the new so far outnumber the old as to make it necessary to repeat them. We were married May 8, 1893 in Boston at the Tremont Street Methodist Church by Rev W W Ramsay DD, nearly eight years ago. At that time neither of us were followers of the Christ, and we had no intention of making his work the business of our life. I was very bitter toward God, scarcely believing that there could be a God who cared for the welfare of the children of men. I had passed through bitter sorrow and suffering while very young, and "how could there be a God and such trouble come upon me?" "What kind of a God was He to allow it when He had power to prevent it?" Thus I reasoned. If there was a God who could help suffering and did not, I wanted nothing of such a God. It was all darkness to me. Mr Kenyon had been converted to the Lord when about eighteen, (eight years previous to our marriage,) and was given an exhorter's license by a Methodist church in Amsterdam, NY. He was an enthusiastic worker for a few years, winning many precious souls for the Master. Then through disgust arising from the many inconsistencies in the motives and lives of Christian leaders, and because of the pride of life, desire for fame and money in his own nature, he left his Lord's vineyard and turned to the affairs of this world. About a month after our marriage we attended a meeting in the Clarendon Street Church. [A well known church in Boston, pastored by A.J. Gordon - JM] Mr Kenyon heard the voice of the Lord. Upon our return home he unreservedly and forever gave himself back to the Lord for service. The Spirit came upon him in marvelous power.

I stood by astonished and bewildered. What was I to do? I did not know that there was a God. I did not want to serve him if there was a God. And yet "how can two walk together except they be agreed?" Walk together we must, we were one. I could not ruin my husband's life and service. I got upon my knees beside him, and the best I knew how I gave myself to that hard, indefinite God of my imagination. The gentle, compassionate Jesus met me and bound me to Himself forever. We were called together to the blessed service of the Lord. Mr Kenyon soon began evangelistic work. The Lord opened doors and paid him with souls, but he felt that for a time he should take a pastorate. A serious question now confronted us. With what denomination should we unite? Mr Kenyon was, by conversion, in the Methodist church. I had been brought up in the Congregational church. We both believed in baptism by immersion, and were both (even then) inclined to take the Bible literally. Many points with which we could not heartily agree seemed to debar us from truthfully assenting to the creed of any denomination with which we were acquainted. About this time we went to Amesbury, Mass. Mr Kenyon held services there in the Baptist church and in the YMCA. There we met a dear brother, pastor of the Free Baptist church. We became interested in him and in the creed he represented. After much deliberation we decided to unite with the Free Baptists. In November Mr Kenyon was invited to go and help a little congregation in Elmira, NY. They had just dedicated a newly built chapel, but had no pastor. He accepted the invitation and January 17, 1894, while there, was ordained to the Christian ministry by Dr G H Ball of Keuka College and others of that quarterly meeting. God wonderfully blessed his labors in Elmira, many souls were born into the kingdom. Nearly every service for months was a revival service. The Lord worked with him. It seemed however, that it was not the Lord's will for him to locate in Elmira, so in the following summer he assumed the pastorate of a larger church in Springville, NY. Here three happy, profitable years were passed, years in which the Lord taught him many of the precious truths that moulded his life for today. It was here that he sought and found the Holy Spirit as a person. As before God abundantly blessed him with souls. A plenteous harvest was reaped for the Master. There was one drawback to our happiness in Springville. That dreadful subscription paper! We used to talk it over and wonder if there was not some other way. They did not sell sittings so all the money must be raised by subscription, or suppers, or sales, or socials, or something of like nature. When we first went there we thought that suppers and so on, were the proper thing. "Money must be raised and these methods were conducive to the social life of the church." "We must have something to draw in the young people," etc. We were honest with the Lord and he has promised "that if any man wills to do, he shall know", so as we grew in grace and knowledge we learned that these things were not of the Lord and should have no place in his house. The church in a large measure discontinued them, but the subscription paper remained. We must have so much money or we could not stay, for how could we live without money, and who should give it to us if not the church for whom we were laboring. Oh, the many sorrowful hours caused by that subscription paper.

First the finance committee would call and find out the least we could stay for. Next some one was appointed to take that terrible paper and call on all of the regular congregation and all the towns people who were supposed to be interested in our staying and friendly to the church. Of course the merchants must subscribe something "for did not our people trade with them?" Not to be outdone by others, many put down money they could ill afford. Many were urged to give, not because they loved the Lord's work, but it would not look well if they did not. Many subscribed and afterward repented, when the minister preached something that they did not like, or when he did not shake hands with them the very first one, or did not call often enough. Others subscribed and sickness or loss of work made it almost a sin for them to pay, but they must because they promised. We lived under this burden three years, and it grew greater and greater. We felt like paupers living on the begrudged offerings of the people. Gladly would Mr Kenyon have earned our bread by the sweat of his brow, but his hands were full with the Lord's work. Do not think we blamed our people. We loved and pitied them, but we knew no better way, they knew no better way. They needed pity even more than we. Think of that poor finance committee obliged to make up a definite sum. Think of the poor people obliged to give whether they wanted to or not. Think of poor us, obliged to take the money. And yet thousands of churches are raising finances in a like manner today. Thousands of men of God are being humiliated by a living grudgingly given. Is there no better way? Yes, and God enabled us to find it. Through this very discipline he was leading us to reach out after it. In May 1897 Mr Kenyon accepted a call to the Wellington Street Church, Worcester, Mass. We found an earnest, devoted people. The Lord blessed the work in a marked manner, but we were not to stay there long. He had a plan for us. He began showing us why we had such a distaste for that subscription paper. Mr Kenyon was God's servant, in the interests of men; not men's servant, in the interests of God. He must be the mouthpiece of God, giving His messages to men. He could not be the hireling of men speaking messages that would please their itching ears. Because of this, God must fix the limit of his salary. God must tell the people when, how much, and where to give, not men with their papers. About this time a copy of Muller's life [George Muller of Britain - JM] came into our hands. Mr Kenyon went to Northfield [where D.L. Moody held an annual conference on the spiritual life - JM] and there met Tamil David, he invited him to come to Worcester and hold some services.

We found that God had called him out to live a life of faith in Him for temporal support. In many other ways God showed His plan for us, that we were not to be hired by men to do God's work, but simply to work under His dictation and trust Him alone for our support. There was a mortgage on the church and the upper auditorium was not finished. Raising the interest on the mortgage was a heavy burden, so that there seemed little hope of finishing the auditorium. They were a conscientious people, did not have suppers etc, did not sell sittings, so the regular expenses had to be covered by the weekly offerings and regular subscriptions. At the time God showed us that Mr Kenyon was to receive no salary, He also showed that it was His will that the church trust Him for the regular expenses, the interest money, and for finishing the auditorium. That the collection baskets should be discontinued, substituting a box at the door, the only method of receiving money in God's House mentioned in the Bible. God had, previous to this, led us to accept the Bible literally. The church could not see that they should trust the Lord in that way for finances, so May 1, 1898 Mr Kenyon resigned his pastorate, severed all connection with the denomination, and stepped out to walk with God alone. Now the questions, why we left the denomination, and why we choose a life of faith, are answered. God pushed us into a life of faith. We had to do as we did or incur God's displeasure. It was God's way for us and in walking His way we walked out of the denomination. We had no other reason at that time for coming out. The reason was sufficient and took us out where God wanted us. God gave us two beautiful examples of His care for our temporal needs before we cut the shorelines. At one time when we were in evangelistic work, immediately after our marriage, Mr Kenyon sent me to Boston after a singer. I had just money enough for my fare to Boston, none for my return ticket. The Lord gave us faith and we were sure he would get me back. Upon arriving in Boston I went to the Bromfield Street noon meeting, then in charge of the N E Evangelical Assn., saw the committee and engaged a singer. A brother invited me out to dinner. After dinner I went to our rooms on Rutland Street. All the way up on the car I kept wondering how that money was to come, that it would come I did not doubt, but how? I finally concluded it would be in a letter which I would find upon my arrival at our rooms. I had not learned that perfect trust does not even wonder how, but rests in God's faithfulness.

I reached home, looked for a letter, but no letter was there. I met the landlady on the stairs and said, "I will pay you some rent before I go back, for we may not be at home again for some time." I went into my room and the meaning of what I had promised her came over me. Why did I say it? We were not in the habit of paying advance rent, and what possessed me to make me say that when I had no money? How could I get money when I had none for my fare and must leave in an hour? I got on my knees and asked God to send me that money quick. I went around packing some things to take away with me. The peace of God filled my heart; somehow God would deliver me. The time came for me to put on my wraps, and no money. I stood before the mirror, reached up to put on my hat and a knock sounded at the door. A young woman stood there; she had owed me some money for so long a time that I had given up all thought of it. She came to pay me. She lived out of town, had not been in before for some time, in all probability it would be some time before she came again. If she had come an hour earlier, or five minutes later I would not have been at home. God had her come, the very day, the very hour, when I needed the money. I paid the landlady, got my train, and went away with a lesson from the Lord which has never left me. Bless him forever. A short time previous to our leaving the church, the payment of Mr Kenyon's salary was delayed for a time, and we became in need of coal and provisions. We had made it a principle, then as now, not to get in debt even for the necessaries of life. If we had not the money we went without. The need became urgent and in our distress we cried unto the Lord. We went out calling and coming home we saw a coal team leave our door. We went into the house and out into the coal room; there we found the bin full of coal, more than we should have bought if we had had the money. Groceries and provisions were also found in the house. The salary had always been paid promptly up to this time, and we had always had money for emergencies. We firmly believe that God planned it all, delaying the payment to show us that men and salaries might fail but he was always to be relied upon. He is faithful.


At the time of Mr Kenyon's resignation of the Wellington Street pastorate, our future was an entire blank to us. Just why we were called out to a life of faith we knew not. One thing only we were sure of, that God wished to prove to us, and the people, that HE could support us financially without resorting to man's methods. We had his promise "Seek first the kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you." We were ready to seek His kingdom in any way He might indicate. We did hope, however, that He would not keep us in Worcester, for we knew that opening an independent work would bring much misunderstanding and misrepresentation. We did not wish to seem in opposition to our late church for many of the people were very dear to us. We asked the Lord to let us go South and labor among the colored people. We even made our plans to go, but God withheld His consent. We had met and loved brother Sandford and thought perhaps we might go and help him but God said that our place was not Shiloh. He closed every avenue of escape, and plainly showed us that the battle must be fought in Worcester. In the meantime He began to let us see the real why he called us out. We believed the Bible to be the very Word of God.

We believed that it needed no explaining or interpreting. That it was to be read just as you would read a newspaper and taken just as literally. That it was to be obeyed as the living voice of God. That God meant just what He said in it. We had accepted it in its entirety, and covenanted with God to regulate our lives by it. We began to look about us. We saw many preaching the traditions of men, few preaching the naked Word of God. We began to realize the enormity of the task before us. We were not only to live the Word ourselves but our future work was to keep "thus saith the Lord" before the people. The Spirit showed us the treatment received by the prophets of old who pleased not men but gave the plain unvarnished Word of the Lord. He said unto us as unto Paul "I will show you how many things you must suffer for my name's sake." Our hearts almost sank within us. We did not want to suffer. We did not want to be "despised and rejected", and the "scum and offscouring of the world." The God spoke, "No man having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." That settled it. We had put our hands to the plow, we could not go back. God again spoke, "There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's sake but he shall receive a HUNDRED FOLD now in this time, WITH PERSECUTIONS." [Caps in the original - JM] We were comforted, the persecutions would come, but with them the blessings. Mr Kenyon hired a small hall in the Worcester YMCA building, and began services the Sunday following his resignation of the Wellington Street pastorate. We had no money, rich friends, or organization. We looked to God, not only for our own support, but for the expenses of the hall. No collections were taken. A box was placed on a table near the door for free will offerings. I remember how very small our faith was at that time. We were living in quite expensive rooms, taking our meals of our landlady. After we ceased having a salary, I thought we must find a cheaper rent and get our own meals, although, with my other duties, I was physically unable to do so.

I felt that God could take care of us if we lived VERY economically, and that I would help him out all I could. We talked it over, went to our landlady about it, who decided that rather than have us move, she would reduce the rent and allow us the privilege of light housekeeping. She was very kind to us. God bless her. The Lord did not intend for us to live in such narrow quarters that we could not help others. About a week after we began caring for ourselves, a poor old Irishman, a convert in our previous meetings, was taken sick and came to us for help. We took him in, and let him sleep on a couch in Mr Kenyon's study, which also served as a parlor. In less than a week after, two young ladies, relatives of ours, were thrown out of employment and came to us for a home. Then we began to realize that the work of the Lord was to extend to our home. We looked about for a tenement, secured one and began taking in such of God's children as he sent to us. The services in the hall prospered. Souls were born and many covenanted to obey the Word. The YMCA hall was in a month over-crowded and another place rented for services. The money placed in the box paid the expenses of the meetings; that for our own needs came in various ways, some of which I will speak of later.


The Lord now began to lead us into the knowledge of healing, which we had partially accepted before we left the denomination. [The Free Will Baptists believed in divine healing - JM]. Mr Kenyon had a dread of being a fanatic, so, although we knew that God healed, for we had both been touched with His healing power, and we had given up medicine, he had said he should never preach about it or make it prominent in his work. Nevertheless God intended that he should preach the whole gospel. Without his seeking he was asked to pray for the sick and cases of healing began to occur in our meetings. One day, about the second month of our new life, God spoke to me. Mr Burns, the Irishman previously mentioned, was sick with consumption. God said to me, "They that believe shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." I answered "Yes, Lord." He said "Go up-stairs and lay hands on Mr Burns." I did not want to go. The devil said "They say that part of Mark is not authentic and should not be in the Bible." Three times God spoke the same words to me. I took up my Bible and told the devil that I would find out whether that part of the Bible was true. I went up-stairs and into Mr Burns' room; as I approached the bed I said, "God has sent me up to pray with you and lay my hands upon you for healing."

I read the last part of the last chapter of Mark, and kneeling down, laid my hands on him and asked God to heal him. He afterward said that all the while I was reading and praying he thought, "Poor little woman, it will not do any good; it's too bad, for she will be disappointed;" but HE WAS MADE WHOLE FROM THAT MINUTE. His cough disappeared, he was dressed and down stairs that very afternoon. God honored His own Word in spite of unbelief on Mr Burns part. After that Mr Kenyon gave healing the place, in his ministry, designed by God. Many healings, up to the present date, have taken place among us. Cases of consumption, abscesses, scaldings, heart disease, pneumonia, dysentery, compound rupture, diseases of the eyes, fevers and so on indefinitely have been healed by simple faith in the Word of our God. This will explain why we believe in Divine healing.


Mr Kenyon had many opportunities, that summer, to preach in neighboring towns. Young people became interested and some desired to study God's Word that they might intelligently regulate their lives by it. He decided to give Bible lectures certain afternoons and evenings each week, thus supplying the knowledge they desired. The lectures commenced about the middle of August. But how were these young people to live while they were studying? Few had homes in Worcester. Fewer still had money for their support. About this time one of our young men felt led to give up his business and prepare for evangelistic work. Where and how was he to live? The daily demands upon our time and strength were then almost beyond endurance. Our tenement was not large. How could we take them in? We finally decided that the young man could come to us, the rest must trust God for themselves. The young man came. A few weeks later another came. Then a young lady must have a place or give up her studies and return home; she came. It seemed just as urgent that another young girl should come that she might be away from evil influences; she came. Once started, they kept coming until the house was crowded. Thus the school was established, almost without our consent, certainly without any desire for it on our part. Like all the other departments of our work, God seemed to push us into it when His time came.

Mr Kenyon continued the Bible Lectures until June 1, 1899, when the winter term closed. It did not seem advisable in our unsettled, unorganized state to have a summer term. We did not know when or where the school would reopen. We had learned, during the winter, the necessity of a permanent habitation for the school home, if the Lord wished us to continue it. Some of the students desired to remain with us. We were not, even then, entirely reconciled to the idea of having a school, and had we at that time known of a school where they would have been satisfied, receiving the Word clean from the traditions of men, we should have advised them to leave us. Bro H L Hastings had been a very helpful friend to us during this year. He had a beautiful home in Goshen, Mass and a large library which he had dedicated to the Lords' work. At his invitation we decided to go to Goshen for the summer, taking our young people with us. We went, hired a house near the library, and moved into it. Two of our young men worked on Bro Hastings' farm for nearly three months, and two of our young women worked several weeks in his household, without remuneration, thus helping him in the work God entrusted to him. A very profitable summer was passed in Goshen, many valuable lessons were learned by us all. Mr Kenyon still carried on the Worcester meetings, so was prevented from spending much of his time at our summer home. In meantime we were in constant prayer regarding the future of our school. We knew that we were not in Goshen for a permanency. At the beginning of the fall Mr Kenyon and I went south for evangelistic work. We were away 10 weeks. During our absence the house at Goshen was closed, the young people returned to their own homes and to various employments to await the Lord's will in reopening the school.

The Lord blessed our work in the south. We came home rather hoping that there was not to be a school after all, that we were to be free for evangelistic work. We returned to Worcester and the young folks began to gather around us. Some of them had no homes. We dearly loved them. They had become a part of our life. Our household goods were at Goshen and we were boarding at Worcester. After being in Worcester two weeks the Lord showed me that I was to go to our home in Goshen and wait on Him for our future work. Many complicated questions, relative to our own private life, had arisen, which must be settled before we could go further. I went taking a dear girl, who had given up all for the Master, with me as housekeeper. Mr Kenyon was at this time holding a convention in Danvers, Mass; immediately following he held meetings in Ware, then in Williamsburg. Between the meetings in Ware and Williamsburg he came to Goshen and the Lord straightened out all the problems that had confronted us. I had been in Goshen just one week when a young man, one of our former students, presented himself as an applicant for a home and a chance to study. After prayer I told him to stay and I would teach him all I could. In less than a month another youth appeared who also wanted a home and instruction; most reluctantly but urged on by the Lord I took him in, wondering how many more would come. Soon the third came. I no longer stood against the Lord, even in my heart, but accepted the school as a settled fact and a part of our future life work. Our home in Goshen now became a school with regular study and recitation hours. Dec 25, at the close of the service in Williamsburg, Mr Kenyon came to Goshen to stay until the Lord definitely made him know his will for the school. While ours was in the truest sense a faith work, yet Mr Kenyon felt that health and self-respecting manhood were only retained when young men rendered an equivalent in labor for benefits received. For that reason he had decided that a farm was necessary for the welfare of the school. It would give work and at the same time separation from all worldly intercourse which would distract their minds from their studies. We set ourselves to wait before the Lord until he should give us a farm. We had not long to wait; almost before we began to cry unto him, he made us know that he had heard. A farm was placed in our hands the latter part of January. The first of February we moved, and the "Bethel Bible School" became an established fact.


Many persons now thought that we were done with a life of faith. That hereafter we would deal only with material things; that we were independent of the offerings of the people. Far from it. This work was now more truly a work of faith than ever before. First; because this very belief of the people, that having a farm provided an income, would stop many of the offerings which had previously been coming to us. Second: because of the immediate outlay required upon the farm and buildings. Third: because it being a small farm, 45 acres, it never would produce enough to support a school. We must have at once several hundred dollars. Nearly every room in the house required alteration and repairing. Stock, farm implements, wagons, horses and harnesses must be purchased; land brought into cultivation. Many other needs too numerous to mention faced us and asked for our immediate attention. At the time the farm was put into our possession we had not five dollars in the world; yet all these expenses must be met, shouldered and carried on. We were truly dependent upon the Lord. He did not fail us.

Next month I will relate how he supplied many of our needs; this time I can only say, that though the testings were very severe, yet we were given strength to go through. Winter passed, seed time and harvest came, then the Lord showed Mr Kenyon that all the surplus produce was to be given for His poor. Everything except what was consumed upon the students' tables, was to be given, or sold and the proceeds given, to the poor who were always among us. We had expected an income from the place. We knew that there would not be income enough for several years perhaps never, unless we had more land, to meet the outlay but we expected some. We were able however, to say "Thy will be done." We have had but one year's experience in farming, and that under unfavorable circumstances with incompetent management: still I think we can say, truthfully and confidently, that if the Lord prospers us; if he gives us money to buy the necessary tools and to get the ground well started; if we can get a pasture, wood lot and more hay land; in two years the farm will entirely provide for table and fuel, besides the portion God has required for the poor. Except this, our work will always remain a faith work. Money will be needed constantly for taxes, printing, building, traveling, clothing and innumerable needs. It is at present entirely a work of faith. We have no income except the gifts from God's stewards. We have six head of cattle, two horses, a large number of this year's chickens, for which we buy grain.

Part of our stock are young calves that we are raising. The proceeds from milk, butter and eggs do not near pay for the grain. The only things we have in sight are the few vegetables in the cellar. We have a large bill each month for fuel, printing, board and traveling expenses in gospel work, besides the every day outlay for groceries, provisions etc. for a large family. We NEVER buy a thing, no matter how urgent the need, unless we have the money to pay for it in our possession. Besides all this we are constantly being called upon to aid others outside of our own work, and as we are told to "give to him that asketh", we must do so if we have a dollar. Last summer it was necessary for us to hire a house for the accomodation of the young men. We cannot live in as close quarters in the summer as in the winter. In all probability it will be necessary for us to do so next summer, unless we can build a house for them as we hope to do. The actual outlay of money this year has more than doubled that of any preceding year in our life of faith. Having a farm does not provide a sufficient income to carry on a school. I am told that Moody's Northfield schools require $30,000, (thirty thousand dollars) annually, besides the income from their immense farm and the tuition of one hundred dollars from each student. We have no tuition, but have all things in common. We do praise God for the farm, but we are still dependent upon His gifts to carry on His work.


After we left the little hall in the YMCA building and rented a store on Main St, the Lord began to manifest Himself in our services. Such precious meetings were held. Until Jan 1899 we nearly forgot that with the blessings were promised persecutions. The loss of friends was at first very hard to bear, but people seemed, upon the whole, much more lenient towards us than we had expected when deciding to come out from the church. God had given us many new friends with whom we had sweet fellowship. The services were so well attended that it soon became necessary to secure a more commodious place. We had become acquainted with Rev A W Weeks; after much mutual consultation, Mr Kenyon decided to unite forces with him. Jan 1 he moved the assembly to Beacon St, expecting to find the owner of the building a consecrated worker among the unsaved; one who, as he then supposed, walked in the full gospel. Our goods were not unpacked before he realized his mistake. It was impossible for him to walk by faith, as God had called him to do, with one who walked by sight. We remained one month, then finding that we could rent an unoccupied church on Belmont St, we again moved. Mr Kenyon paid Mr Weeks $80.00 for rent; put lumber, for which he paid $110.00, into the building; and his people gave a great many dollars'worth of labor. It taught us a lesson, but through it came the promised misunderstanding and persecution.

One year's work proved to Worcester that which God wished them to know, that he could and would care for His work and workers without worldly methods of raising money. During that year, standing practically alone, amid false representation, slander and persecution, God sent to us, for our support and his work, more money than was raised by the church from which we came out. We were enabled, without salary, to support a large family of students and fellows workers, to publish tracts and a paper, to hold continuous services in Worcester, to travel almost constantly holding meetings elsewhere, and to give many dollars to missions and charitable work. Many people were healed from incurable diseases, and best of all, a LIVING GOD had become a fact in our lives. Mr Kenyon now felt that his real work in Worcester, that for which God had him stay, was finished. We had learned many lessons and made many mistakes, for we were but new to the Lord's leadings when we began the year. We had in a number of cases mistaken the voice of man for the voice of the Lord, but through it all God had been with us, letting us burn our fingers when necessary, leading, guiding, blessing all along the way. The Worcester Assembly meetings have been held without intermission up to the present time. They were in the Day building for a little more than a year and are now at 543 Main St Room 3. Mr Kenyon is not with them as much as when the meetings were first started. When he is at home he preaches for them Sunday am and evening and is usually at the Friday evening meeting. When he is away one of the students takes his place. The Lord is calling him out more and more into evangelistic work, which he feels is the real work of his life. Even the Bible School is but a means toward one end, saving sinners. He desires it to be a place where young men will first learn to conquer themselves, then go out to conquer Satan in others. A real West Point, training soldiers for Jesus. I have this month given a general review of the work, not dwelling upon any particular point. I will next month, if God wills, enter more minutely into details, giving incidents which show His wonderful goodness and thoughtful care over us. He is faithful. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. Blessed be His name forever.