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The Bible In the Light of Our Redemption Book

The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption - eBook


This challenging study covers the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, showing the unfolding of the Plan of Redemption. It is a Basic course, which should be studied by every Christian. It will answer many questions for the new convert, and will make the Bible a new book for you. It is a course for the mature Christian as well. It shows the legal side of the Plan of Redemption... who we are and what we are in Christ. It will thrill and amaze you and challenge you to a deeper walk with Him. This course is excellent for Bible study groups as well as for individual study.

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Purchase The Bible In the Light of Our Redemption - ebook epub file $10.00
Purchase The Bible In the Light of Our Redemption - ebook mobi file $10.00