Phone: 425-743-4243

kenyon picture
E. W. Kenyon
1867 - 1948



Dear Brethren in Christ,

The Lord richly bless you for your faithful support of literature towards this ministry. You have made it possible for us to continue an all out offensive against the forces of darkness. We have not lost the original fervour of spreading the Word of the Lord. By the grace of the Lord we have set out to spread the Word and we are doing it. Your ministry has fueled a fire here as it has done around the world.

As we know that literature is vital to any society, but especially to developing nations. One printed Gospel truth can lead an entire family, tribe or village to Christ. As long as the printed page is intact the message is alive.

Thanks for sharing the load, without your assistance we could not have continued this important function in the kingdom of the Lord. You will share in the reward on judgement day because you shared the load.

We would have been unprepared it it was not for your consistent help in training us for the work.

Thanks for bearing the burden of missionary evangelism. Your generosity has opened many new frontiers for the work of the Lord. It has meant the difference between living and dying, Heaven and hell to multitudes who otherwise who would never have known Christ. You are to be commended and congratulated for your part in this effective work of the Lord. In return for all you have done, God has an abundant reward. As you have been faithful to give, the Lord will multiply His blessings to you. We are grateful.

P.S.: Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. Two sisters from a very staunch Hindu background have denounced their gods and accepted Chrsit as their Saviour. Please continue to pray for us. Please keep me on your mailing list for me to receive your anointed newsletter, THE HERALD OF LIFE.

The Lord richly bless you all.

With Christian Love,

Your brother in the Lord,

Paul George

Christian Mission of South Africa

Ephesians 1:15:16



The Lord has used me to help convert five Correctional Officers. - Glenn W. -- OH

Men are coming to Christ in this place like never before and it is all because of our Lord using us in this camp. We have introduced so many people to Kenyon's teachings. Our Lord has even used me to help convert five correctional officers. There is a great explosion going on in this camp like never before and it is all because of the ministry of Kenyon's.

People are hungry for the truth. I thank the Lord for this ministry. It has not only changed my life, but many others as well.

The Chaplain is now using (my copy of) "The Hidden Man" to teach lessons. I didn't want to give my copy, but how could I refuse, as long as this ministry continues to change peoples lives then I am for that!

May our Lord continue to give us growth and may Kenyon's ministry continue to change lives of men behind bars.



Impacted for Eternity Robert M. -- MD

I am so excited about all of the things that I am finding out about God's relationship and will for me! With all that I am learning through the Word and Dr. Kenyon's courses I can say with complete confidence that I will never again be back in prison, jail or even inside a police car ever again. Glory to God !

Please let the staff and partners know that their investment will not be wasted but instead a powerful benchmark in helping me to take my place in the ministry in this time in our history. Thank God for Kenyon's prison outreach. I am a life that has been impacted for eternity!



Kenyon is still reaching this young generation .... S. Davis – Great Britain

E. W. Kenyon's books have transformed my life, my mother's life and my grandfather's life. "In His Presence", "Jesus the Healer" and "The Wonderful Name of Jesus" have helped us through many battles in our health and family. We have all been healed through reading these books.

Now we have the privilege of sharing some of Kenyon's revelation in our local church and in conferences around Great Britain.

We pray you will go on publishing Kenyon's teaching for many years to come. Kenyon is still reaching this young generation and I pray His teaching will always be available in all good Christian bookshops.



Young are being turned on and know that God is good because of your ministry

Steven D. - TX

Although brother Kenyon has long since graduated, I wanted the workers of his ministry and his family to know that there are those of us out here that truly appreciate his ministry and revelation.

Kenneth Copeland has been my primary teacher, but through his teachings I was introduced to brother Kenyon. Just like brother Copeland says "none of us have had an original thought" and of course I see so much influence in his life from brother Kenyon.

I am 31 and father of two with a beautiful wife and home. It is through the revelation of what I call the 'three responsibilities' that my life is so ordered. God's, Satan's and my responsibility. What freedom has come from "The Father and His Famiy". I am a complete believer that every born-again person should have that book as their companion to the Bible.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and your ministry. And know that many young people are being turned on and are now knowing that God is good because of your ministry.


Update - Pastor Joe McIntyre, President KGPS Board of Directors - January 2007


"You should consider a double transplant – kidney and heart."

This was my cardiologist's bleak diagnosis for me about three and a half years ago. My hearts Ejection Fraction (the percentage of the blood the heart pumps) was 15%. Normal is 55%. A friend of mine who has much the same medical problems was told when he was informed that his Ejection Fraction was 15% that is was amazing that he was up and about!

I was, of course, shocked by this diagnosis. Something rose up in me and said, "No. This is not going to happen!". I determined that I was not going to have a heart transplant. God would have to take care of me. This didn't so much represent a bold faith as it did me reaching the bottom of what I could endure. Call it denial if you like. I wasn't receiving this diagnosis.

The doctor put me on a medication and said "Come back in six months." When I returned, he examined me again (not with an echocardiogram as previously, but physically with a stethoscope) and said, "If I didn't know your history, I wouldn't know you had any heart problems." This was very encouraging. He asked me to come back in six months.

I returned for an echocardiogram six months later. I eagerly awaited the results. My Ejection Fraction was 45%!! This was on the bottom side of normal. I was greatly encouraged. Previous to this a friend had called me and told me that he was praying for my healing and the Lord spoke to him He said, "I'm going to heal him from the inside out. His heart will be first."

Some months later, due to a conflict among the many medicines I have been taking, some alarming symptoms were taking place in my body. My doctor recommended I check myself into emergency. While I was there they suggested that I have another echocardiogram and see if my heart's health had declined. When the results came they found my heart was now at 55%, perfectly normal. I greatly rejoiced!

Another year passed. My primary care physician wanted me to have a heart test. This time it involved putting a radioactive material in my blood and then tracing it throughout my heart from various angles. Apparently, it looks at eight different views of the heart.

When I met with my doctor to hear the results the first thing he mentioned was my Ejection Fraction. It was 60%! Above normal! That was good news.

He then mentioned that of the eight views of the heart, seven showed no problems at all. One view seemed to show some possible blockage. After reviewing it carefully and inviting a cardiologist to also give his input, he concluded it was a false reading. His conclusion was all eight "witnesses" were positive. So the healing of my heart is the firstfruits of my healing. More to come!

I greatly appreciate those of you who have been standing with me for the total healing of my body. The message of the firstfruits is that there is more to come! I look forward to other good reports as God manifests my healing.



Adam Diehl - New Freedom, PA January 2007

Dear Kenyon's,

Greetings in Christ. I've been a little slow to send you an update. I came home from Iraq in October. My National Guard unit and I got back to our hometown on October 16. We had no injuries at all during our twelve month deployment and we are all glad to be home. There has been plenty to do at home. I am returning to college in the spring. I will need two and a half years to complete an Accounting degree. I am also participating in the ROTC program to become an officer in the Army National Guard. While I was in Iraq, I prayed and asked God what to do when I got home and that was His direction. It's good to know I'm walking the path He has prepared for me.

I have enclosed a small gift to the work of the ministry. I took several of Dr. Kenyon's books with me to Iraq to aid in my study of the Word. His teachings continue to be a blessing to me. I am also blessed by the quarterly newsletter and always glad when it arrives. God bless you. Thank you for being faithful in the work of the ministry.

Adam Diehl



February 7, l975 Attention Mrs. Ruth Kenyon

Dear Friend in Jesus Christ:

It is a great pleasure to tell you how much the marvelous Kenyon books have meant to my wife and me, and to our ministry.

A dear friend gave us the first Kenyon book we ever saw, in 1946. It was Two Kinds of Faith. It was providential, because our foundation in the Word of God was not very solid. We now understand that our faith really rested on sense-knowledge. One great gift we had inherited from our "bringing-up" on the farm in large families; our parents had profound respect for the Bible and we were fortunate enough to have grown up with an almost blind faith that that Book was absolute, and literally true.

But, like the millions of others who think they believe God's Word, our so-called faith was really dependent upon sense-knowledge. Then that blessed little book, The Two Kinds of Faith, was handed to us (one of the early editions printed in the small format), then The Two Kinds of Knowledge and later, the others. What a revolution!

testimonies1We had gone to India as missionaries, only to miserably fail, falling victim to cholera, typhoid and discouragement. Returning home, prospects for our future ministry were dim. Then the Kenyon books came, simultaneously with the visit of an evangelist to our city who was being used of God in a marvelous ministry of healing and of miracles.

The Kenyon books gave us the foundation in the Word of God. That evangelist gave a most awesome demonstration of the Word in action. Our lives were transformed. We resigned the church we were pastoring in Portland, Oregon and returned to the peoples abroad. In India we had seen the misery and destitution of the millions without Christ but could not convince them that He is God's son, living today.

But with the Kenyon books as our Bible-school-on-the-road, we had the answer to preaching the Gospel to the non-Christian world abroad.

Since that day, and the Institution of the Osborn Foundation in 1949, we have conducted mass crusades in huge stadiums, ball parks, open fields, beaches and on rice paddies in over 60 nations of the world, with mighty crowds of 20 to 100,000 people. Entire nations have been affected.

Our magazine "Faith Digest" goes into over a million homes monthly. The Foundation sponsors over 2,000 Nationals as missionaries to the unreached each month. Over one new indigenous church is established every day. Our literature is published in over 100 languages --- over a Ton per day. Our documentary films and sermon tapes of the great crusades are produced in over 50 major languages.

All of this is the outgrowth of the marvelous seeds of truth planted in our hearts by the unprecedented Kenyon books. Your father, Mr. E. W. Kenyon, was without question an Apostle ahead of his time. As his revolutionary writings spread across the world, there appeared a fresh cloud of God's glory which began to cover the world --- a fresh unveiling of faith-truth, the harvest of the good seed planted by Mr. Kenyon.

Established theology and ecclesiastical professionals were shocked and shaken in their foundations by the audacity of the Kenyon writings. Nor can liturgical and sacerdotal high-brows ever comprehend the true Jesus-way and Jesus-faith. But since Martin Luther shook the religious world by the sacrilegious and presumptuous claim that men can be saved by pure faith in Christ alone, had the church world been so unnerved by revolutionary, yet simple truths as presented by Dr. E. W. Kenyon.

Since the debut of his marvelous writings, a glorious sweep of revival and of evangelism with signs following, has literally encircled and saturated the free world. I personally know most of the men (Americans, Englishmen, Europeans, Africans, Indians, Koreans, Asians, Filipinos, Latin Americans, etc.) who have been and who are being used of God in large ministries across the world. The seeds and roots of this fresh faith that has swept the world, projecting men into vast ministries, can be distinctly traced to the influence of the writings and revolutionary publications which have flown out from the anointed and skilled pen of Dr. E. W. Kenyon.

The Kenyon books are a seed-bed out of which has grown a Jesus-Revolution, literally sweeping the world.

Many years ago, I obtained from you loving permission to always quote from Mr. Kenyon's writings whenever I wished. His books have provided inspiration and added force to our writings for over 25 years. So often, it seems to me utterly impossible to say a fact better than he has already said it. The man's God-gifted talent to use the English language in a crisp, clear yet concise manner to convey truth has never been, in my opinion, equaled.

I need to pray: "May his writings live on!" because Truth cannot die. But how I thank God for E. W. Kenyon's heart and mind and pen, and how I thank God for his daughter who has had the unswerving vision and dedication to never relent in the abundant publication of these incomparable writings, so that this generation can share them.

Though hundreds of men have sought to imitate the Kenyon books (and thank God for an example which incites imitation), for some mysterious reason none have been so gifted of God as was your father. He was clearly an appointed Apostle of the pen, and his works will go on lighting the way and compelling men to action, until our King returns. Throughout all of these years, we have kept a stock of Kenyon books on hand at the Osborn Foundation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, because whenever we meet a man or woman who hungers for truth, we present them the Kenyon books. We feel we can plant no greater seed in their fertile soil. We have given hundreds and hundreds of sets of the books to young people. (We have never sold a one.) And we shall go on stocking the Kenyon writings, to give freely to all who hunger and thirst after a more fruitful Christian ministry.

Thank you, Ruth Kenyon, for continuing to publish your father's works, and for serving your generation by sharing with them via the press, the abundant truths which have flown from the heart of the Father-God, through His servant, E. W. Kenyon, and hence out to the world of today.

Very respectfully and gratefully in Christ,


T. L. Osborn, Founder, Osborn Foundation

Daisy Osborn, Exec. V.P., Osborn Foundation

P.S. You may publish this testimony in any way you please inasmuch as we long for all of our generation to know how much the Kenyon books have meant to us in our world ministry for the last quarter-century.



JESUS THE HEALER, Explains what God says so clearly about healing

J. B., Whitefish, MT

Dear KGPS,

I am sending a letter which is a testimony of God's faithfulness to me, so that you can see the part that Dr. Kenyon's teaching has played in my life. I give the book, JESUS THE HEALER and this letter to people who need God's truth. I hope it blesses you to know that your faithfulness in distributing the Gospel truth through Dr. Kenyon's teaching has helped people like me and that my offering will help the ministry continue it's work. ......

Dear Friend,

You may or may not know me – for those who don't, my name is J. B. and I'm a child of a King, The King!

I'd like to share the King's hope (Romans 15:13) and the Truths with you as He has revealed them to me in the last few years. If you are reading this letter, I assume you are dealing with some physical health problems. I was told I had chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL) a few years ago, shortly after bicycling 2500 miles across country and being physically fit and feeling as healthy as could be. That news dropped me to my knees and lit a fire of desire in me to know what God's word said about my situation. He is so faithful! First He said CLL stood for "Christ's Life and Love" in me. When I told Him I was willing to gracefully bear this and be a testimony to Him, He said, "He, Himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases." I didn't have to. When I said, "If it is Your will Father," He said, absolutely not, I gave my Beloved Son to redeem you from the curse of the law. You are redeemed and it cost Me My Son!

I learned that shame and reproach can cause illness and attitudes of my heart can bring healing to my body and refreshment to my bones, and I repented of things and changed some of my attitudes. And on Easter Sunday, I asked God why Pilot announced to the multitudes that he found no guilt in Jesus and washed his hands of the situation, yet after saying those things, had Jesus scourged; and God said: because those were the stripes by which you were healed.

Dr. Kenyon's book "Jesus the Healer" has been a blessing to me because it explains what God says so clearly about healing. Enjoy it. It will feed and heal your body, soul and spirit. It says it so much better than I.

After this, I asked God why many Christians don't get healed and expecting something else I guess I was surprised by His response. I have included His answer which is in the form of six questions. He put forth to me. "God says "My people go into exile for lack of understanding; My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Is. 5:13 and Hosea 4:6) Know what God says about any issue so you will not perish, struggle, fail, or go into captivity, but rather have the abundant life Jesus gives you as His child.

God bless you, and I pray that the life-giving, living words of God goes deep into your heart, mind and soul, and you can proclaim Acts 3:16 too. (Look it up.)

Much love to you in Jesus.



Kenyon's writings remain powerful and alive


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be able to receive your newsletter. It will help us a lot in our personal spiritual lives and with the church.

We are pastoring a small congregation in our locality for about 6 years. But I have to confess that our ministry was a struggle in terms of physical sickness and diseases with some of our church members. This situation brought us to ask God about His promises.

We were able to have Kenyon's books four years ago, but did not give much time to meditate and discover the power of God by standing on His promises.

This year my brother who is pastoring in another city handed us a book written by T. L. Osborn titled Healing the Sick. As we read thru this book we noticed that he quoted this well known author, E. W. Kenyon. We remembered his book, In His Presence on our shelf and started to reread it until all the truths he revealed are captured in our spirit.

Every Sunday we share these living truths on the pulpit and it is very powerful.

Thank God for this ministry. Mr. Kenyon has passed away but his writings will remain powerful and alive to those who still seek God's manifested power.